
A warm welcome to you and to our Nursery community!

On this page we will keep you updated on the exciting learning experiences we are providing each term and how we are developing a love of learning in our Nursery. Please do not hesitate to contact us either at the end of the school day or via the school office. 

Mrs Brown and Mrs Patel

Key Information 

  • School Hours:     AM sessions: 8:45-11:45.

                                  PM sessions: 12.15 - 3.15.

  • PE: We will be taking part in PE sessions every Friday, PE kit consists of plain blue/black shorts or jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt and black trainers. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for PE for the time of year, as well as suitable footwear. PE kit is still to be worn to school every Friday.
  • Home Learning Challenges: Will be handed out every week via the Evidence Me app. 
  • Class Library Book: Your child will choose a new book to enjoy at home every Monday from our class library. Please make sure your child brings these books back every week. 
  • Outdoor Learning: We will be accessing the outdoor area in all acceptable weather conditions, please bring a pair of wellies for your children to wear at school, which can be left at school, and ensure they are wearing appropriate clothing for the weather, i.e. waterproof coats, sun hats and sun cream.
  • Forest School: We will be going to the Forest School every Tuesday. Please ensure you send your child to school with wellies and a waterproof jacket or a waterproof all in one suit. 
  • Belongings: Please send your child to school with water bottle, indoor plimsoles and wellies that we can keep at school. Please ensure all items are labelled. 
  • Lunch: Full time and afternoon children will be enjoying lunches at school: You can choose between a school dinner or packed lunch. (Please bring a healthy, nut free packed lunch.) 

Autumn 1: 

This term we will be focusing on developing our understanding of friendships and families, how to be kind and helpful members of the class and we will be finding out about the people who help us in our local community .

We will also be practice being independent and learning the school routines, rules and values. 

Supporting your child at home: 

  • Talk about who is in your family. 
  • Discuss how to be a kind and helpful friend.
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage independence. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 


Autumn 2: 

This term we will be learning a new nursery rhyme each week to help develop our communication and language. We will also be focussing on peforming our songs which will lead into our Nativity peformance!  


We will continue to practice being independent and learning the school routines, rules and values. 

Supporting your child at home: 

  • Sing a range of songs at home including nursery rhymes. Ask you child to sing these and encourage your child to make actions up for the different words. 
  • Discuss how to be a kind and helpful friend.
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage independence. 
  • Encourage your child to put on their own coats.

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 



Spring 1: 

This term we will be focussing on traditional tales. We will be reading three different traditional tales and will explore the langugae within the book. We will focus on retelling the stories and acting out the book too. At home you could encourage your child to retell a traditional tale we have read in class, and enjoy reading a story together. You could also encourage your child to look through a story book and use the pictures to create their own stories. 


We will continue to practice being independent and embed the school routines, rules and values. 

Supporting your child at home: 

  • Read a range of stories at home including traditional tales. Ask you child to retell these and encourage your child to make up their own stories.
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage your child to be curious and ask questions about the world around them. 
  • Encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 




Spring 2: 

This term we will be focusing on an author study. The author we will be studying is Nick Sharratt. We will be reading different stories from Nick Sharratt and we will be focusing on responding to the books whilst they are being read to us.  Encouraging the children to join in with the book will support their listening and attention as well as their communication and langugae. 


Supporting your child at home:

  • You could go to Evington Library and explore more books written by Nick Sharratt. The illustrations in his books are fantatsic to provoke conversation with your child and are enjoyable to read together. 
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 

Summer 1: 

This term we will be looking at different stories which are loosely linked to different animals. This half term we will be focusing on answering questions around the stories that we read and using the new vocabualry we have learnt within our play to broaden our imagination.  


Supporting your child at home:

  • You could go to Evington Library and continue to explore books that engage and exctie your child. After reading the stories, try to ask the children 'why' questions. For example, if you were reading 'We're going on a bear hunt', you could ask, 'why did they tiptoe past the bear?' This helps to develop the childs understanding of the book and to comprehend what is going on in the story. This is a key skill they will need to be a sucessful reader as they continue to go through the school. 
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. You may also see your child to begin to add recognisable letters to their marks. This is something we want to encourage for their early writing and is something to be celebrated.  

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 

Summer 2: 

This half term we will be starting to get ready for our transition into reception. Your child will have time to spend getting to know their new reception teacher and will go and have a story session in their new classroom as well. The books that we will read this half term will help develop the children identify their emotions, and encourage them feel confident and excited about starting reception. 


Supporting your child at home:

  • Begin to chat to your child about next year, what to expect and how it could be a little different. You will have chance to have a settling in session in reception and are more than welcome to come and speak to me (Mrs Brown) about any questions you may have for next year. 
  • Continue to encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage sharing books with your children and try to establish a routine of daily reading so that they are ready for their phonics books in reception. 
  • Continue to encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. You may also see your child to begin to add recognisable letters to their marks. This is something we want to encourage for their early writing and is something to be celebrated. Your child also may begin to write their own name independently. This is something you could continue to practice with their name card in the summer holidays so they can remember it for starting reception. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 



Dates for the Diary

Keep up to date with all events that are occurring in Nursery by checking here.

Let's Celebrate...

Take a look at some of the celebrations we have joined in with so far this year..

 Eid- al- Fitr



Our Busy Days Learning in Nursery...


A warm welcome to you and to our Nursery community!

On this page we will keep you updated on the exciting learning experiences we are providing each term and how we are developing a love of learning in our Nursery. Please do not hesitate to contact us either at the end of the school day or via the school office. 

Mrs Brown and Mrs Patel

Key Information 

  • School Hours:     AM sessions: 8:45-11:45.

                                  PM sessions: 12.15 - 3.15.

  • PE: We will be taking part in PE sessions every Friday, PE kit consists of plain blue/black shorts or jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt and black trainers. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for PE for the time of year, as well as suitable footwear. PE kit is still to be worn to school every Friday.
  • Home Learning Challenges: Will be handed out every week via the Evidence Me app. 
  • Class Library Book: Your child will choose a new book to enjoy at home every Monday from our class library. Please make sure your child brings these books back every week. 
  • Outdoor Learning: We will be accessing the outdoor area in all acceptable weather conditions, please bring a pair of wellies for your children to wear at school, which can be left at school, and ensure they are wearing appropriate clothing for the weather, i.e. waterproof coats, sun hats and sun cream.
  • Forest School: We will be going to the Forest School every Tuesday. Please ensure you send your child to school with wellies and a waterproof jacket or a waterproof all in one suit. 
  • Belongings: Please send your child to school with water bottle, indoor plimsoles and wellies that we can keep at school. Please ensure all items are labelled. 
  • Lunch: Full time and afternoon children will be enjoying lunches at school: You can choose between a school dinner or packed lunch. (Please bring a healthy, nut free packed lunch.) 

Autumn 1: 

This term we will be focusing on developing our understanding of friendships and families, how to be kind and helpful members of the class and we will be finding out about the people who help us in our local community .

We will also be practice being independent and learning the school routines, rules and values. 

Supporting your child at home: 

  • Talk about who is in your family. 
  • Discuss how to be a kind and helpful friend.
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage independence. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 


Autumn 2: 

This term we will be learning a new nursery rhyme each week to help develop our communication and language. We will also be focussing on peforming our songs which will lead into our Nativity peformance!  


We will continue to practice being independent and learning the school routines, rules and values. 

Supporting your child at home: 

  • Sing a range of songs at home including nursery rhymes. Ask you child to sing these and encourage your child to make actions up for the different words. 
  • Discuss how to be a kind and helpful friend.
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage independence. 
  • Encourage your child to put on their own coats.

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 



Spring 1: 

This term we will be focussing on traditional tales. We will be reading three different traditional tales and will explore the langugae within the book. We will focus on retelling the stories and acting out the book too. At home you could encourage your child to retell a traditional tale we have read in class, and enjoy reading a story together. You could also encourage your child to look through a story book and use the pictures to create their own stories. 


We will continue to practice being independent and embed the school routines, rules and values. 

Supporting your child at home: 

  • Read a range of stories at home including traditional tales. Ask you child to retell these and encourage your child to make up their own stories.
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage your child to be curious and ask questions about the world around them. 
  • Encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 




Spring 2: 

This term we will be focusing on an author study. The author we will be studying is Nick Sharratt. We will be reading different stories from Nick Sharratt and we will be focusing on responding to the books whilst they are being read to us.  Encouraging the children to join in with the book will support their listening and attention as well as their communication and langugae. 


Supporting your child at home:

  • You could go to Evington Library and explore more books written by Nick Sharratt. The illustrations in his books are fantatsic to provoke conversation with your child and are enjoyable to read together. 
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 

Summer 1: 

This term we will be looking at different stories which are loosely linked to different animals. This half term we will be focusing on answering questions around the stories that we read and using the new vocabualry we have learnt within our play to broaden our imagination.  


Supporting your child at home:

  • You could go to Evington Library and continue to explore books that engage and exctie your child. After reading the stories, try to ask the children 'why' questions. For example, if you were reading 'We're going on a bear hunt', you could ask, 'why did they tiptoe past the bear?' This helps to develop the childs understanding of the book and to comprehend what is going on in the story. This is a key skill they will need to be a sucessful reader as they continue to go through the school. 
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. You may also see your child to begin to add recognisable letters to their marks. This is something we want to encourage for their early writing and is something to be celebrated.  

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 

Summer 2: 

This half term we will be starting to get ready for our transition into reception. Your child will have time to spend getting to know their new reception teacher and will go and have a story session in their new classroom as well. The books that we will read this half term will help develop the children identify their emotions, and encourage them feel confident and excited about starting reception. 


Supporting your child at home:

  • Begin to chat to your child about next year, what to expect and how it could be a little different. You will have chance to have a settling in session in reception and are more than welcome to come and speak to me (Mrs Brown) about any questions you may have for next year. 
  • Continue to encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage sharing books with your children and try to establish a routine of daily reading so that they are ready for their phonics books in reception. 
  • Continue to encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. You may also see your child to begin to add recognisable letters to their marks. This is something we want to encourage for their early writing and is something to be celebrated. Your child also may begin to write their own name independently. This is something you could continue to practice with their name card in the summer holidays so they can remember it for starting reception. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 



Dates for the Diary

Keep up to date with all events that are occurring in Nursery by checking here.

Let's Celebrate...

Take a look at some of the celebrations we have joined in with so far this year..

 Eid- al- Fitr



Our Busy Days Learning in Nursery...


A warm welcome to you and to our Nursery community!

On this page we will keep you updated on the exciting learning experiences we are providing each term and how we are developing a love of learning in our Nursery. Please do not hesitate to contact us either at the end of the school day or via the school office. 

Mrs Brown and Mrs Patel

Key Information 

  • School Hours:     AM sessions: 8:45-11:45.

                                  PM sessions: 12.15 - 3.15.

  • PE: We will be taking part in PE sessions every Friday, PE kit consists of plain blue/black shorts or jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt and black trainers. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for PE for the time of year, as well as suitable footwear. PE kit is still to be worn to school every Friday.
  • Home Learning Challenges: Will be handed out every week via the Evidence Me app. 
  • Class Library Book: Your child will choose a new book to enjoy at home every Monday from our class library. Please make sure your child brings these books back every week. 
  • Outdoor Learning: We will be accessing the outdoor area in all acceptable weather conditions, please bring a pair of wellies for your children to wear at school, which can be left at school, and ensure they are wearing appropriate clothing for the weather, i.e. waterproof coats, sun hats and sun cream.
  • Forest School: We will be going to the Forest School every Tuesday. Please ensure you send your child to school with wellies and a waterproof jacket or a waterproof all in one suit. 
  • Belongings: Please send your child to school with water bottle, indoor plimsoles and wellies that we can keep at school. Please ensure all items are labelled. 
  • Lunch: Full time and afternoon children will be enjoying lunches at school: You can choose between a school dinner or packed lunch. (Please bring a healthy, nut free packed lunch.) 

Autumn 1: 

This term we will be focusing on developing our understanding of friendships and families, how to be kind and helpful members of the class and we will be finding out about the people who help us in our local community .

We will also be practice being independent and learning the school routines, rules and values. 

Supporting your child at home: 

  • Talk about who is in your family. 
  • Discuss how to be a kind and helpful friend.
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage independence. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 


Autumn 2: 

This term we will be learning a new nursery rhyme each week to help develop our communication and language. We will also be focussing on peforming our songs which will lead into our Nativity peformance!  


We will continue to practice being independent and learning the school routines, rules and values. 

Supporting your child at home: 

  • Sing a range of songs at home including nursery rhymes. Ask you child to sing these and encourage your child to make actions up for the different words. 
  • Discuss how to be a kind and helpful friend.
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage independence. 
  • Encourage your child to put on their own coats.

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 



Spring 1: 

This term we will be focussing on traditional tales. We will be reading three different traditional tales and will explore the langugae within the book. We will focus on retelling the stories and acting out the book too. At home you could encourage your child to retell a traditional tale we have read in class, and enjoy reading a story together. You could also encourage your child to look through a story book and use the pictures to create their own stories. 


We will continue to practice being independent and embed the school routines, rules and values. 

Supporting your child at home: 

  • Read a range of stories at home including traditional tales. Ask you child to retell these and encourage your child to make up their own stories.
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage your child to be curious and ask questions about the world around them. 
  • Encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 




Spring 2: 

This term we will be focusing on an author study. The author we will be studying is Nick Sharratt. We will be reading different stories from Nick Sharratt and we will be focusing on responding to the books whilst they are being read to us.  Encouraging the children to join in with the book will support their listening and attention as well as their communication and langugae. 


Supporting your child at home:

  • You could go to Evington Library and explore more books written by Nick Sharratt. The illustrations in his books are fantatsic to provoke conversation with your child and are enjoyable to read together. 
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 

Summer 1: 

This term we will be looking at different stories which are loosely linked to different animals. This half term we will be focusing on answering questions around the stories that we read and using the new vocabualry we have learnt within our play to broaden our imagination.  


Supporting your child at home:

  • You could go to Evington Library and continue to explore books that engage and exctie your child. After reading the stories, try to ask the children 'why' questions. For example, if you were reading 'We're going on a bear hunt', you could ask, 'why did they tiptoe past the bear?' This helps to develop the childs understanding of the book and to comprehend what is going on in the story. This is a key skill they will need to be a sucessful reader as they continue to go through the school. 
  • Encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. You may also see your child to begin to add recognisable letters to their marks. This is something we want to encourage for their early writing and is something to be celebrated.  

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 

Summer 2: 

This half term we will be starting to get ready for our transition into reception. Your child will have time to spend getting to know their new reception teacher and will go and have a story session in their new classroom as well. The books that we will read this half term will help develop the children identify their emotions, and encourage them feel confident and excited about starting reception. 


Supporting your child at home:

  • Begin to chat to your child about next year, what to expect and how it could be a little different. You will have chance to have a settling in session in reception and are more than welcome to come and speak to me (Mrs Brown) about any questions you may have for next year. 
  • Continue to encourage your child to talk in full sentences, if you child answers with one word, you could model a full sentence back for them to copy. 
  • Encourage sharing books with your children and try to establish a routine of daily reading so that they are ready for their phonics books in reception. 
  • Continue to encourage your child to make marks and begin to add meaning to them. They could link to the stories they have read or their own stories they have made up. You may also see your child to begin to add recognisable letters to their marks. This is something we want to encourage for their early writing and is something to be celebrated. Your child also may begin to write their own name independently. This is something you could continue to practice with their name card in the summer holidays so they can remember it for starting reception. 

*Remember to check your Evidence Me account for your weekly Home Learning Challenge.* 



Dates for the Diary

Keep up to date with all events that are occurring in Nursery by checking here.

Let's Celebrate...

Take a look at some of the celebrations we have joined in with so far this year..

 Eid- al- Fitr



Our Busy Days Learning in Nursery...